Thursday, April 16, 2015


И ако се чудиш някоя беззвездна нощ,
защо ме няма и къде изчезнах
Погледни нагоре и ме потърси
Огледай се около себе си
и се почуди
Превърни ме в мисъл
Недей да спиш
Намрази ме
и в чашата ме удави
Полей ме
с водопад от съжаления
Изгори ме
пак така като в онази вечер
Скрий ме
там дълбоко в онова ъгълче
на скърцащото легло
Завии ме през глава
Покрий ме от света
и не давай на никого да ме намери
защото намери ли ме ще боли
пак така
пак като преди.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

They are dragons, they can never be tamed.

One day you will realize that you have lost the only thing that really mattered in your pathetic little misery you call a life. But it will be too late. She will be gone. You made her go. You didn't let her love you. And she can't stay where she is not belonging. So she will leave. And I hope she will leave such a big scar on your tiny lonley cold heart that it will never heal completely and you will dream of her every night. You will long for her. You will try to reach her and when you are the closest you can be you will wake up covered in cold sweat only to realize she is already gone. And you are alone. And she stole your dreams. And part of your cold heart. Until one day you will be able to remember only her smile and that fire hair, that little fragile dragon you held in your hands. It will be all gone. Because you couldn't handle a little fire. Because you got scared. But remember one thing Fire turns everything to ashes. Fire leaves scars. And if we burn we will burn together :) 
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Square of four.

And you were just like the cigarettes I was smoking, I knew it was killing me slowly , but I enjoyed every whiff. Just like them you were making me dizzy and every breath I made was making my chest hurt. They were bad, and you were too. Inhaling the memories and exhaling the pain, over and over again until the fire is gone and you are gone with it. The smoke was spreading in my lungs, the exact way you were spreading in my mind. Slow but lethal poison running through my veins.And I am stifling this one just to light a new one again...until I finally burn as one with you.
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