Wednesday, January 15, 2014


What if you really choose the second and he doesn't love u back? You end up being alone,miserable,sad... In my case the first one have the safety, I know his feelings and I know that before the second one came in these feelings where the same as mine. Its wicked how one day you can swear you love someone but  the next you meet someone else who completely change you from inside and all that feelings you had for the first one are gone. Its actually scary. So now I have to brace myself and choose whether to play on the safe side with having the first one as my back up plan but risking for both of them to find out for the other,or risk it all and go for the unexplored new with the scary option with me ending up broken-hearted and alone . Anyways I think my feelings for the first one are long gone and even if things don't work out with the latter I won't feel the same about him. Well things like that suck big time.


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